Wednesday, February 28, 2007

A Dreamer Has Died

A Dreamer Has Died
James Dinsmore

I recall from early childhood, a saying never said,
Yet understood; “Don’t resist the cage,”
“For it is good.”

In youth I could hardly see the fence,
But as I grew older I was herded
Behind bars that made no sense.

In hunger from my stall I cried,
For fulfillment of possibilities
That have always been denied
Because they were beyond the fence.

In my heart I longed for liberty,
Though complacent beasts surrounded me,
I approached the fence, to set myself free.

In seeking to escape I was shocked,
To discover the gate was never locked,
So I stepped outside.

I was free now, I could fly.
So I flew to a lake—but it was dry.
It was a mirage.

I searched for orchards,
But instead of fruit-filled trees;
I found decaying stumps and rotting leaves.

Then it dawned on me why men lived and died
In an unlocked cage,
And instruct their sons at an early age
Not to resist it.

For they would rather believe their bars were a reality,
And that there’s meaning in society,
Than to live a life knowing only futility.
They’re all dreamers.

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. John 8:32

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