Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Dying Less than Men

Dying Less than Men
James Dinsmore

I get so disillusioned when I see
Those who have wandered sixty years;
Without finding a cause to live for,
Thus they die as failures.

Are their entire lives lived numb?
Can it be true that they never see?
Don’t they realize their sense of hunger
Was to keep them from dying empty?

As they die they exhort me,
“To make something of myself,” like them;
But I can see through their plastic pride,
They are dying less than men.

I cannot follow them,
Whose standards are insane;
They are afraid to seek the truth in life,
To face it brings them pain.

I will give my life to a reason,
Though they’ll never understand;
That meaning is more important than success,
And destiny is to find the man I am.

And this is life eternal, that they may know thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent. John 17:3 JKV

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