Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The Fighter

The Fighter
James Dinsmore

It’s the morning after a troubled sleep,
But I’m ready to go on;
And though the conflict’s deep,
I have confidence over what’s wrong.

I live the life of a fighter,
It takes it’s toll on me;
It’s the cost of seeking the better,
It’s the cost of being free.

I’ll never stop fighting these wars,
Each day I’ll meet them face-to-face;
As I wrestle on a walk that takes hours,
Or as I sit quietly in one place.

I see many who never fight,
They make life seem so easy;
As they dance they feel all-right,
But their lightheadedness has made them dizzy.

I love the life of a fighter,
It’s worth the loss of comfort and rest;
Each battle gets me higher,
And every victory toward success.

Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. Matthew 10:34 KJV

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