Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The Gamble

The Gamble
James Dinsmore

Multitudes of men
Approached multitudes of doors,
With multitudes of locks
Along the corridors.

For each man there was a goal,
And within each hand a key;
Everyone searching for the door
Of the desired destiny.

All had finite key chains,
Though there existed many keys;
But in order for them to fit
One had to set priorities.

Men spoke many rumors
Of what kind of key to choose;
Yet others scoffed and said,
“All keys fit”,
“No gambler will loose.”

The moment of truth had come,
For each to unlock his doors;
Some found paper saints,
And others plastic whores.

Behind all the doors were walls,
Except one obscure one on the side,
But none could follow those who entered it,
For the lights grew dim and died.

Because straight is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Matthew 7:14

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